Mission: To grow closer to God by providing additional outlets for our youth to interact with other Catholic youth within our parish.
Who: 5th-8th graders of registered St. Mary’s families
When: The youth group will meet twice a month for a dinner and a social event (movie or games) and for lunch and a service project. The first meeting will be on Saturday, November 5, following the 5:30 pm Mass. We will meet in the Parish Hall for dinner and a movie. Pick-up will be at 9:00 pm. The second meeting will be on Satur-day, November 19 from noon to 2:00 pm. We will meet in the Parish Hall for lunch and a service project.
Contact: Whitney and Danny Dorsel
RSVP: For a 5th-8th grader to participate, his or her parent or guardian must contact Whitney or Danny by Tuesday, November 1.